Tuesday 17 December 2013

After discovering how good the pole-arm looked as an axe I decided to go with the idea displayed below.
this means i will have to change my original plan for the whole weapon set too, it will be 2 bladed tonfa with a bo-staff instead of just the bladed tonfa and unbladed tonfa that go together to create the other weapons
 This is a prototype for the tonfa shape the finished product will have a hole in the hand for the staff
ff to go through, and depending on how you assemble the tonfa on the staff depends on what weapon you will create
i am a week behind with my four week plan as he weapon rack is still way to simple to be displayed as a proper model but i will catch up in the winter break


  1. Axe, Spear, Weapons Stand, & (start) Sniper Rifle.

    1. change of plans, since im doing a rifle that can change into a melee weapon im going to model the whole sniper rifle first then work on the shape of the melee weapon from that, im going to add my prototype idea for the axe i made over the weekend but i think this will be a better way of producing a weapon that looks believable
