Tuesday 15 October 2013

weapon plans and room layout

So I've been doing games design for 2 years now, those 2 years were at college on a BTEC, now I'm at university and I am on a sandwich course, this entails 2 years at uni, 1 in a placement and 1 year back at uni. If anyone reading this blog is aspiring to be a games designer I advise doing this, it gives you that jump ahead of the competition that you will need for getting into such a saturated market. 

Games design is brilliant for anyone wanting to be creative for a living, there are so many different roles and it is very fun. That being said make no illusions it is a job involving a lot of work and keeping to strict schedules.

In this blog I will post work I have already done in college and work i am doing in uni. in anything you are always learning but in a creative field this is much more so as you are always developing your skills.

I will admit the work uploaded will be very haphazard, i.e it won't always be chronologically ordered.
the first example of this is my first piece of work I am going to upload, it is the first piece of work I was given at uni, but in college I did much much more work so there is a lot to be uploaded, once i find it.

This piece of work was given to me by my visual studies Tutor Casto, an experienced designer from the states, almost everything he says makes sense in some way or another and i actually admire his work as he has worked on a few games i have played myself, very entertaining. Anyways the assignment he gave us was to look at any CG image we like the look of and want to get up to the standard of. 

My inspirations are based on my personal preference, and since I want to be a handheld prop designer in the industry I decided to go with weapons and a weapon wrack and this is my inspired scene brief

Plan for a scene inspired by other art

My scene is inspired by several pieces of art and will incorporate both architecture and prop development.

My plan is to have a weapon rack holding 2 tonfa style weapons and showing 2 or 3 other weapons that can be made from these tonfas, a scythe, a rifle and maybe a pole arm (sword with a long handle). This weapon rack will be in a war torn room, collapsed wall, damaged walls, bullet holes maybe blood here and there.

Weapon inspirations

 This is a scythe from a the web series RWBY by Roosterteeth, it is the weapon held by a character inspired by red riding hood. Initially this is what I wanted to model but I felt I wanted more and a different rifle style for the sniper rifle that can be made from it i.e. less chunky and a more stream lined barrel.

For the bladed tonfa I was thinking of doing a cross between these 2, the reason is on the left picture there isn't enough solid bar as a handle but on the right one the blade is not the style that would do well on a scythe. i was thinking of having the traditional tonfa bar with a blade on the outside of it, but the blade only attached at the pivot point of the tonfa so as to give the weapon more momentum when spinning as well as then the handle can extend easier into a rifle form

left blade: http://www.getprice.com.au/images/uploadimg/293/350_predator-maul-blade_2.jpg
right blade: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/153/5/d/sci_fi_sword_tonfa_thing_by_burnermeen-d67kviv.jpg
 This is a typical tonfa style baton used by police. I was thinking of having one bladed and one un-bladed, stun and slice sort of combat also doing this makes more sense for forming both rifle and scythe as this will be the main handle for scythe/pole arm and main body for the rifle. Obviously I am going to have to make this more chunky and sci-fi looking to get the effect of this being able to form a sniper rifle body, also with it being chunkier it gives room for it to extent into a handle for a scythe/pole arm.


This is a type of pole arm that is similar to one I have seen in a game, mine will look more sci-fi than traditional and the blade will be curved but still double edged.

Weapon rack inspiration

 This is the type of weapon rack I would like to create but with more slots for weapons to be placed horizontally. I also thought it would look odd to have a pristine weapon wrack in a war torn room so it would probably be damaged with a weapon or 2 hanging off at an awkward angle.

Rifle inspiration
 This is a sniper rifle from borderlands 2, the blade underneath enhances the players melee damage. It is a good idea but for my rifle, I'm thinking of having the blade on mine split in 2 on either side of the barrel and extending a few more inches in front of the barrel.


Room inspiration
 This is Azadi palace from battlefield 3 aftermath, this is the style of building my room is going to be based on, have destroyed and falling apart but it is only going to be one room not a whole building.

My only worry with this is that I may not have enough time to do all the weapon models, particularly the textures. To abate this I will model and texture the tonfa and scythe first as well as the weapon rack and room, this way if I have spare time I will be able to use this to work on the sniper rifle and pole arm.

Criticism is very welcome, it helps me improve, comment or email me at mstansfield@live.co.uk if u have any suggestions as to how i can improve my work